Selasa, 08 September 2009


ROKOKKESEHATAN.COM dibanding program sejenis lainnya:

* Sebagai social network, kerjasama dan bantuan antar anggota sangat diutamakan.
* Penghasilan tidak terbatas hanya dengan mengajak 5 orang untuk bergabung.
* Minimal withdrawal hanya Rp 50.000,-
* Tersedia instant referral URL dan automatic.
* Komisi dibayar langsung ke rekening bank anggota secara instant.
* Support penuh selama 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu.
* Tiap bulan secara otomatis dipilih anggota yang berhasil meraih downline terbanyak (top sponsor), dan memperoleh produk Sin Enjoy gratis sebayak 10 slof.
* Website dengan randomizer system, di mana sistem web secara otomatis akan mengacak member aktif untuk menjadi sponsor bagi pengunjung web tanpa sponsor. Ini memberi kesempatan pada member untuk memperoleh downline secara tak terduga dari seluruh Indonesia.
* Sistem dengan kedalaman 22 level memungkinkan penghasilan yang tak terbatas.
* Distributor yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, memudahkan anggota memperoleh produk.
* Penarikan dana secara otomatis bila mencapai Rp 1.000.000,-. Ini memudahkan anda yang tidak punya waktu banyak untuk online.
* Penghasilan yang bisa diwariskan.

Lebih cepat bergabung,
lebih murah berinvestasi

Biaya Pendaftaran Rp 110.000,-
untuk 150 pendaftar pertama,
Komisi Sponsor Rp 50.000,-

Biaya Pendaftaran Rp 140.000,-
untuk 300 pendaftar pertama,
Komisi Sponsor Rp 60.000,-

Biaya Pendaftaran Rp 180.000,-
untuk 600 pendaftar pertama,
Komisi Sponsor Rp 70.000,-

Biaya Pendaftaran Rp 200.000,-
untuk 1000 pendaftar pertama,
Komisi Sponsor Rp 80.000,-

Biaya Pendaftaran Rp 250.000,-
untuk jumlah pendaftar 2000 lebih,
Komisi Sponsor Rp 100.000,

Biaya Pendaftaran Hanya Rp 250.000,- (belum termasuk produk)
Sebagai member ROKOKKESEHATAN.COM, anda berhak mendapatkan semua komisi/bonus berikut ini, tanpa kecuali:

Anda akan memperoleh komisi sponsor sebesar Rp 100.000,- untuk tiap member yang melakukan registrasi atas sponsor anda.

Dengan menggunakan matrix kedalaman mencapai 22, membuat anda berkesempatan meraih passive income tak terbatas.
Komisi Jaringan anda bisa TAK TERBATAS!!

Anda juga berhak atas penghasilan tiap bulan. Besarnya komisi ini Rp 250,- untuk tiap slof Rokok Sin yang dibeli atas nama downline anda. Rata-rata member yang aktif membutuhkan lebih dari 10 slof dalam sebulan.
Anda akan memperoleh penghasilan bulanan yang berupa PASSIVE INCOME!!

Anda adalah yang terbaik di
sehingga anda berhak Bonus Extra

Biaya Pendaftaran Hanya Rp 250.000,-
Penghasilan TAK TERBATAS !!!

READ MORE - Rokokkesehatan

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

Langkah Langkah Membuat Blog

Tentunya kita tau apa itu blog. Blog adalah sebuah situs yang sifatnya private. Biasanya seorang yang telah membuat blog,dengan isi tentang penggambaran tentang si pembuat blog itu sendiri.

Cara membuat blog

Seperti halnya e-mail, dalam membuat blog pun kita harus mempunyai sebuah account terlebih dahulu, oleh karena itu silahkan daftarkan diri anda terlebih dahulu di free blog provider (penyedia hosting/domain blog gratis). Free blog provider sangatlah banyak terdapat di internet dan beberapa yang populer saat ini. Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya akan mengulas tentang cara pembuatan blog di, Silahkan anda klik disini untuk mendaftar.

Setelah anda berada pada situs,silahkan lakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini :

1. Klik tanda anak panah yang bertuliskan " CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA "

2. Isilah Alamat Email dengan alamat email anda (tentunya yang valid)

3. Isikan kembali alamat email anda tadi pada form Ketik ulang alamat email

4. Tuliskan password yang anda inginkan pada form Masukkan sebuah password

5. Isikan kembali password anda tadi pada form Keyik ulang sandi (password)

6. Isi Nama Tampilan dengan nama yang ingin anda tampilkan

7. Tulis tulisan yang tertera pada form Verifikasi Kata. Beri tanda tik/cek pada kotak di pinggir    tulisan Saya menerima Persyaratan dan Layanan.

8. Klik gambar anak panah yang bertuliskan "LANJUTKAN"

9. Tuliskan judul blog yang anda inginkan (nanti bisa di rubah lagi) pada form Judul Blog

10. Tulis nama situs anda pada form Alamat Blog (URL)

11. Tulislah tulisan verifikasi yang ditampilkan pada form Verifikasi kata, jika sudah selesai klik gambar panah yang bertuliskan "LANJUTKAN".

12. Pilihlah gambar (template) yang anda inginkan (nanti bisa di rubah lagi), kemudian klik gambar anak panah yang bertuliskan "LANJUTKAN"

13. Setelah keluar tulisan "Blog Anda telah di iptakan". Klik gambar panah bertuliskan "MULAI   POSTING". Silahkan anda tuliskan semau anda, jika sudah selesai klik tombol "MEMPUBLISKAN POSTING".

Selamat Mencoba . . .

READ MORE - Langkah Langkah Membuat Blog

Cara Melindungi Internet Dengan Cara Sederhana

Firewall adalah sebuah sistem keamanan yang berperan sebagai pembatas antara network dan dunia luar. Windows XP meliputi perangkat lunak Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) yang bisa digunakan untuk membatasi berbagai informasi yang terhubung antara koneksi internet di rumah Anda atau dalam sebuah Jaringan Lokal Sederhana. ICF juga melindungi sebuah komputer yang terhubung ke internet menggunakan Cable Modem, Modem DSL, atau sebuah Dial-Up Modem.

Jika jaringan Anda menggunakan Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) sebagai penyedia akses Internet ke berbagai komputer, Anda harus menggunakan ICF sebagai pembagi koneksi internet itu. Namun, ICS dan ICF kemungkinan bisa digunakan secara terpisah. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah men-disable firewall untuk setiap koneksi yang secara tidak langsung terhubung ke internet, dan ICF kemungkinan tidak dibutuhkan jika Jaringan (network) Anda telah memiliki sebuah firewall atau proxy server.

Anda harus masuk ke komputer Anda sebagai Owner Account dalam hal untuk melengkapi prosedur ini. Anda harus men-disable Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) di koneksi Virtual Provate Networking (VPN) atau di komputer client, karena ICF akan menganggu terhadap file dan printer sharing. ICF tidak dapat di-disable di private connection.

Merubah pengaturan ICF menjadi enable atau disable.

Buka jendela Network Connection ( Start -> Control Panel -> klik ganda Network Connection)

Pilih salah satu koneksi yang ingin anda lindungi ( Dial-up, LAN atau High-Speed Internet). Kemudian, di bawah Network Tasks, Pilih “Change settings of this connection”.

Pada menu Advanced, di bawah Internet Connection Firewall, pilih salah satu yang ingin Anda lakukan berikut ini :

- Untuk meng-enable Internet Connection Wizard (ICF), pilih dan beri tanda centang pada kotak “Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from Internet”

- Untuk men-disable Internet Connection Wizard (ICF), hilangkan tanda centang pada “Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to his computer from Internet.

READ MORE - Cara Melindungi Internet Dengan Cara Sederhana

Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

PTC Isabelmarco

Isabelmarco merupakan PTC tertua yang pernah ada, dan sampai sekarang masih tetap eksis di dunia maya, penulis mencoba untuk bergabung di, setelah anda login ke member area, anda akan menemukan banyak iklan yang dapat anda klik. Rata-rata iklan yang disediakan per hari sekitar 90-100 iklan dengan nilai $0.001 per kliknya, sebagai ilustrasi mari kita lakukan hitung-hitungan.

Asumsi jumlah iklan per hari 100 iklan dan waktu efektif dalam satu bulan adalah 30 hari dan anda bekerja sendiri tanpa referal, maka :

pendapatan 1 hari : 100 x $0.001 = $0.1
pendapatan 1 bulan : 30 x $0.1 = $ 3

Payout nya adalah $9 jadi normalnya setelah 3 bulan anda baru bisa melakukan payout, namun penulis mencoba penawaran dari isabelmarco dengan membeli referal sebanyak 5 referal, dan penulis merasakan peningkatan yang luar biasa, dalam 2 minggu tergabung di isabelmarco, penulis mampu mengumpulkan sebanyak $1.85, padahal penulis melakukan surfing iklan sehari sekitar 10-20 iklan, itupun tidak tiap hari, jadi usahakan anda memperoleh banyak referal untuk meningkatkab pendapatan anda, jika kesulitan mencari referal, maka belilah referal di isabelmarco.

Strategi terbaik yang penulis lakukan adalah membeli referal sebanyak 5 referal per bulan, disamping itu tetap mencari referal secara murni. Jika anda tertarik dengan isabelmarco, buruan daftar di sini!!
READ MORE - PTC Isabelmarco

Kamis, 09 Juli 2009



Mau HP gratis? ato..newest IPOD nano gratis? IPHONE

gratis? psp…or nintendo


pertama kali aku dpt email ini dr temen ga percaya

sama sekali. krn mang pd

dasarnya aku gak pernah percaya ma yang beginian..

hari gini, mana ada sih yg

gratis? theres no free lunch in this world right?

tp setelah aku liat sdr aku DAPET her own new IPOD

TOUCH !! huah aku langsung

ngiriii…. makanya aku langsung giat ngirim ke temen2.

caranya gak ribet, tinggal; 

1. Masuk ke sini

2. trus klik barang free apa yg kmu mau ( ada hp,
ipod,ninetdon, psp,game

machine )

3. klik SIGN UP/Register ( GRATIS )

Nanti akan ada email
konfirmasi ke email kamu yg jg ngasih
refferal kamu ajak bergabung makin byk
point yg kamu dpt dan ketika kamu
dapetin jumlah point yg sesuai dgn hadiah / hp
yg kamu minta, bakalan dikirim tuh Hp ke
alamat kamu.. sbg contoh, Sony Ericsson K800i Silver
nilainya 20 point, jd kalo kamu kmu
20 temen buat register aja, dapet deh tuh hp! asik
buanget kan!???

jadi 1 point = 1 email orang registered di itungnya!

Nih aku kasih contoh list jumlah point yg dibutuhin
utk tiap barang;

1. Microsoft gaming xbox 360 elite = 32 POINTS / 32
TEMEN yg registered

2.  Playstation 3 = 42 points
3.  PSP black, white, pink = 15-17 POINTS (beda2)
4.  Nintendo wii = 19 points
5.  Nintendo ds = 14 points
6.  Apple Iphone = 27 points
7.   ipod nano 8gb = 13 points
8.   ipod touch 8 gb = 20 points
9.   ipod touch 16gb = 27 points
10.Ipod classic 160 GB = 23 points
11.Ipod classic 80GB = 16 points

dll, masih buanyak lagi! rata jumlah point yg
dibutuhin point every item


Coba deh, ga ada ruginya
kan.. ga bayar sama sekali kok!
thanks ok;)


Senin, 20 April 2009

Belajar Joomla

Joomla! - Content Management System and Web Application Framework.

Lagi coba membuat web sendiri pake Joomla.

Instalasi Joomla

Download file installasi Joomla di

  1. Ekstrak dan upload file-file tersebut ke web server.

  2. Lakukan langkah-langkah instalasi sebagai berikut:

  3. * Buka alamat web Joomla anda (misal:
    * Kemudian anda akan diarahkan ke alamat untuk proses intallasi
    * Installasi dibagi manjadi 6 Tahap

    - pre-installation check (Mengecek kebutuhan untuk installasi Jomla)

    - license (Menyetujui penggunaan Joomla)

    - step 1 (MySQL database configuration)

    - step 2 (Enter the name of your Joomla site)

    - step 3 (Confirm the site URL, path, admin e-mail and file/directory chmods)

    - step 4 (Congratulations! Joomla is installed), berarti anda telah berhasil menginstall jomla

    * Delete folder instal

READ MORE - Belajar Joomla



1. Login memakai ID anda di YM seperti biasa

2. Klik Menu Messenger - My Profiles

3. Klik Create/Edit My Profiles pada kotak yg muncul.kalo ada pilihan yg muncul klik Yes aja

4. Secara otomatis akan terbuka sebuah halaman di browser. Klik Create New Public Profile

5. Isikan ID yahoo yang ingin anda gunakan di kotak profile name ini bagian yang paling penting Nickname yang akan di tampilkan.

6. Isikan informasi tentang anda di bagian Expand Your Profile.

7. Klik tombol Create Profile di pojok kanan bawah.

8. Anda akan dibawa ke Polsek.hehe enggak ding, dibawa ke halaman sebelumnya.Disitu klik Finished Editing

9. Selesai deh.. Jangan lupa Log Out di Browser

10. Sekarang coba Log Out YM anda kemudian login lagi.

11. Sekarang coba chating dengan ID anda sendiri atau dengan orang lain.

12. Setelah jendela buat chat terbuka jangan ketik pesan dulu,coba klik dahulu pilihan Send As yang ada di atas kotak buat ngetik pesan anda.Pilih ID yang baru anda buat.

13. Kalo udah dipilih baru kamu ketik pesannya lalu tekan enter.apa yg terjadi? udah keliatan kan bedanya?! Hehehe, sekarang silahkan ngibulin teman2 anda dengan nick samaran itu

8 Essentials For Internet Marketing Newbies

You've decided that you want to become an Internet marketer and start making money on-line. Only problem is, you are not quite sure how to go about it. There are hundreds if not thousands of websites out there that give you advice on how to get your business up and running. Some of these sites are very informative and some are just plain junk.

One of the hardest things about Internet marketing is getting started out on the right foot. If you don't, you will find yourself just spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast. When that happens you will start to get frustrated and the next thing you know you quit. It doesn't have to be that way.

You can succeed if you get started correctly. When you do find a program to join you should make sure that they have the eight things that every Internet marketer should learn. To be successful at promoting anything on-line be it your own product or an affiliate product, these eight things are essential:

1. Does the website offer video training? Most people find that video training is a lot easier to follow than just written materials. If you can see something being done then it definitely makes it easier to follow. Plus you can stop the video at any point and then restart when you're ready to move on.

2. Does the website teach you about article marketing? Article marketing is still one of the best ways of promoting any thing you may be trying to sell on-line. The program should tell you the best way to write an article to get your readers interested enough to click through to your product or affiliate site.

3. The site should be able to tell you how to build a website from the ground up. Building a website is really not that hard, but a site with video tutorials makes it so much easier if you are just starting out.

4. If you are looking to just promote affiliate products, you want a website that teaches you how to go about finding the best affiliate programs to promote.

5. Social networking is another important part of Internet marketing. The program you choose should give you some good insight into social networking and how it will help you grow your on-line presence.

6. Another very important thing your chosen program should teach you is pay per click marketing. Pay per click marketing is a good way to make money, but if you just jump right in without the right knowledge it could cost you a lot of money. You should be able to learn how to select the right keywords for whatever you are promoting, therefore making you profitable from the start.

7. Making money from home can be done but without the right mindset it could be a little overwhelming. Your program should have some audio or videos to help you with mindset. What I mean by mindset is something that will help get you motivated, develop qualities of success, teach specifics of setting goals and so on.

8. Last but not least, the program should give you some good ideas about what niches are hot. Sometimes it is hard to decide what you want to promote but your best bet is to go with what you love to do or something you are passionate about.

These eight things are essential to helping you become successful on-line but they are not the only ones. Your chosen program if it is a good one, will go far beyond these eight essentials.

Some good advice would be to just take your time and try to follow the steps you are taught. Don't try to do everything at once. You will find that if you do, it will be a lot less overwhelming.

Patience and persistence is the key. Have those two qualities and you will be well on your way to Internet marketing mastery!
by: Jeff White
READ MORE - 8 Essentials For Internet Marketing Newbies

How To Make Money Fast Online

The question has come into everyone's mind, even mine, at one point or another."How do I make money fast?" Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer! There are several ways to make money quickly online, now we will venture through the online category.

3 websites to make money online.

1. Associated Content.
2. Cash Crate.
3. Forum booster.

Let's begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren't familiar with the online language, content means articles.

Associated Content requires that you write articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.

Most of the time however the bids that they place on your content are for much less than $10. However, this is still a great way to make money online if you can type several articles per day. You may be surprised to see how easy it has become to earn a part time income through writing for Associated Content.

The next site that we will talk about is Cash Crate. Cash Crate is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.

Doesn't sound too bad now does it? The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what they word on the street is about their product or services.

They even have a daily survey on the homepage that is guaranteed to make you some extra income; the guaranteed survey on the homepage pays $0.80. It may not seem like much but do the math, over a 30 day time period. That is almost $30 extra dollars just for taking surveys.

Are you still asking yourself that question, how do I make money fast? Well if writing tons of articles and taking surveys doesn't really sound like your cup of tea, there is always the alternative of Forum Booster.

Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums either way, why not get paid for it? If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.

It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pajamas sipping coffee while working on posting on these forums. Each post should be a minimum of 12 words, which is not difficult to do at all.

Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.
by: Leroy Lunsford
READ MORE - How To Make Money Fast Online

Minggu, 19 April 2009

Managing Your Own Online Business & Making Substantial Amounts of Money Isn’t That Hard

What I like best about my online business is that it's easy to make money and I can work independently. I like being my own boss and setting my own hours. Sometimes I work during the day, but if the sun is out I might take off for a walk and work after dark. I can work from home or from a hotel in a foreign city. I'm the boss; I decide.

What I don't like about making money online is doing everything by myself. Don't get me wrong--I enjoy my own company and I especially like working in a quiet environment. But when I have a difficult decision to make, or when I don't understand something, or when I don't have the necessary skills, I wish I had someone to turn to.

It turns out there is a way to have it all, actually several ways. One way to make money online independently and also get help is to become a member or a partner in an organization that provides services. Some online business opportunities provide advertising services so you don't have to do your own marketing. This is a huge advantage because advertising takes specialized skills and is expensive to outsource.

Another way is to sign on with one of the online money making opportunities that give training. They train you on their products and systems and give you resource materials for future reference. Some even give you around the clock support in case you run into problems. So, if it's two o'clock in the morning and you're pulling your hair out, it's easy to get the help you need.

Teambuilding is another way to be your own boss but not be alone. Certain online business opportunities set you up as part of a team and you share the profits. I take part in a different type of teambuilding. I'll give you an example of how my teambuilding works. Let's say I'm a writer. I know I can make good money online if I contract with companies to write technical manuals. I've got the writing skills, but I don't understand the subject matter. So I team up with someone who knows this technical topic inside and out. We're on the same team; she can explain the technical aspects to me and make sure I've got it all right.

Using this same example, I have editing skills, but it's not the best idea to edit your own work. So, I add an editor to the team. My client wants me to design the format, cover, and graphics for this manual. I don't have the skills for this, so I add a graphic designer to the team.

In addition to me (the writer), the team now consists of a technical expert, an editor, and a designer. We've built a team not just for this project, but also for future projects. We have success working together and build up trust. The next time any one of us needs a partner for an online business project, we can turn to our team members.

Now you know that it's easy to be your own boss and make money online, and get the help you need when you need it.

For and on Behalf of
by: Rob White
READ MORE - Managing Your Own Online Business & Making Substantial Amounts of Money Isn’t That Hard

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